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Go Green!
These tips can help make sure each of us is doing our part in helping to keep the environment healthy:
-Keep the engine running it's best by replacing spark plugs, filters, and fluids to maintain efficiency.
-Get the Check Engine light checked out. If the light is on, you might be running your vehicle with a faulty engine or exhaust system which will increase pollution so make sure you get it checked by a professional.
-Keep tires at the correct pressure and alignment. This will ensure your engine isn't working harder than it should and will also extend the length of the tire itself.
-Avoid speeding. Sudden acceleration and higher speeds will drain your fuel tank faster.
-Get rid of the junk. Less items in your vehicle means less weight and increased fuel efficiency.
-Dispose of fluids properly. Professional service technicians will know the proper way to get rid of old fluids or chemicals.
Written on Thursday, November 5, 2015 by Permalink |
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